I wish somebody somewhere would bloody well hurry up and act then. Perhaps begin by shutting down the General Kitson Dirty War rogue Intelligence thugs and their still armed and lawless loyalist assets with their familial connections to MAGA funded white supremacist fundamentalist Protestant mega churches. I do not know whose bright idea it was back c.1996 to dilute Paisley’s religio-political power base by encouraging the rise of these US Christo fascist funded charities here, but it is just about to bite them in the arse. Northern Ireland is an easy portal into Britain for hostile powers of all kinds.
I do wonder quite why our Labour Government seems so reluctant to do what it should or promised.
I've resigned from the Labour Party and for now joined the Co-operative Party... well, they seem to be more in tune with what I believe is right & proper. Maybe.
I wish somebody somewhere would bloody well hurry up and act then. Perhaps begin by shutting down the General Kitson Dirty War rogue Intelligence thugs and their still armed and lawless loyalist assets with their familial connections to MAGA funded white supremacist fundamentalist Protestant mega churches. I do not know whose bright idea it was back c.1996 to dilute Paisley’s religio-political power base by encouraging the rise of these US Christo fascist funded charities here, but it is just about to bite them in the arse. Northern Ireland is an easy portal into Britain for hostile powers of all kinds.
Sick as a dog 🤮🤮💩💩
All this is spot on so get agitating!
I do wonder quite why our Labour Government seems so reluctant to do what it should or promised.
I've resigned from the Labour Party and for now joined the Co-operative Party... well, they seem to be more in tune with what I believe is right & proper. Maybe.