Jun 12Liked by Peter Geoghegan

What is their political Endgame ? Do they have links with Trump’s backers in the USA, the Heritage Foundation and their proposed destruction of democratic governance to be replaced by an autocratic Uber capitalist theocracy as mapped out in Project 2025 ? Are there any hidden back channels connecting Farage and his violence inciting extremism with the Tufton Street Cons ? Who can actually confront and penalise any of this corruption ?

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Little boys and girl who have so much money and so little idea what to do with it. They really are SCUM

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Jun 12Liked by Peter Geoghegan

Does it help for me to complain to the Charity Commission?

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yes, it definitely wouldn't hurt! The CC's complaints procedure seems to be here https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/charity-commission/about/complaints-procedure

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