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Thank you. Will donate. MP Sammy Wilson of the DUP in Northern Ireland has recently reiterated the MAGA mantra that Putin’s invasion of Ukraine was provoked by NATO and the EU. The DUP have strong political and financial links to those behind the Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025 through their fundamentalist members and voting base.

When the DUP became king makers in May’s hung Brexit parliament there was a general understanding amongst this cadre that God has answered the prayers of the Righteous. They see Trump a Christian Saviour which runs parallel to Putin’s motive is that he is simply following a divine call to restore the Russian empire of an early Russian Christian Orthodoxy.

Nowt to do with the EU or NATO all to do with atavistic Christofascism. These beliefs intertwine well with those driven by a desire to exploit the planet and enslave its inhabitants in pursuit of social conscience free ever greater profiteering. It is a well funded disturbing Russo-American Movement wanting barbaric autocracy and destruction of rule of law and human rights.

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